Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Little Surprise.....

Well today is already been a good day. Since I had an exam yesterday morning in Patho, I decided not to go to class today. This is the first time in 3 years that I decided to not go to class for no reason. It went against the grain, but sometimes it's good to skip class! I've been relaxing this morning and got on to check my email. I was informed that my class this afternoon is also cancelled because of the freezing cold weather we have down here.

Self-Care is taught by a bunch of different teachers who have other jobs off campus in different towns, so when the weather is bad we can't have class. They have a make-up lecture time scheduled on Friday, but for this lecture due to schedule conflicts, there's not going to be a time to make it up. We have weekly quizzes in that class, and since it was cancelled this week, everyone is getting full points for the quiz!

It's not a big thing, but it totally made my day. I have another exam tomorrow morning, and I really need the extra time to look over my material, so my day won't be a total waste of time I still plan on being productive. I just love little surprises, sometimes they're just what you need to brighten your day!!

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