Saturday, January 30, 2010

Just My Luck.....

Yesterday was very eventful. It started out as just a normal day, going to class until 10:00 then coming home and cleaning my house. Yesterday from 2-5, there were mock interviews given by some of the pharmacy students which I wanted to go to in hopes of calming down my nerves before it was time for the actual interview.

It was about 10 minutes to 2:00 and I needed to take the garbage out before I left to go back to the school. I had my purse in my hands & my shoes on, grabbed the garbage to take it out and then after I did that I was going to grab the rest of my stuff and head to the mock interviews. As I shut the door with the garbage in my hand I shut the door and to my horror realized I had locked the door on my way out & of course my keys were in the house; to make matters worse, not only were my house keys inside, but my car keys were as well... AWESOME!!

Well, the bit of luck I had, I did have my phone in my pocket. I was able to call my mom & told her what happened. I tried everything... I tried all of the windows around my house, LOCKED!! I walked all the way down to the office to see if they had a key, nobody was there! This whole time I was on the phone with my mom. While my mom was talking to me, my dad was calling all the different locksmith's in Laramie. Either they didn't do houses or they were busy... finally they found a company who would do it, but they'd have to call the worker who was already out on another job. It was about 3:30 when I finally got into my house. I still made it to the mock interviews, which was great, and luckily it wasn't the coldest day in Laramie, but it was still cold especially without a coat!!

Once my dad finally got a hold of the locksmith, it took him about 20 minutes to get to my house & only a minute or two to unlock my door, and it cost $45 for him to do that! Honestly I can't believe that a little key can cause so much trouble!! Needless to say I will never forget my keys again... they will always be in my pocket from now on, and I'll have a spare key stashed somewhere... Lesson Learned!!


Tracy said...

That is such a "sick" feeling. Glad it all worked out!!

Viva La Fashion said...

that sucks. you have good music on your blog. :)