Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just an Update...

I just got home from my Biology Lab, and sadly got my exam results back. I almost wish I hadn't. I got a 63%: 29 out of 40 points on the short answer questions, and I answered 16 out of 30 multiple choice questions right. I guess I'm going to have to study for hours on hours, and have no social life to keep up with the material :) Man, the price you pay to get into pharmacy school!!


Kara said...

Sorry to hear about your Biology test. You'll be fine. It just takes a bit of time adjusting to learning the college way. I would offer to help you out, but I think I failed that class the first time I took it. :)

Tracy said...

Hi Bethany!!!
How cool is this!!?...A blog by Bethany!! :-)
It'll be fun to see what you're up to.
Don't study too hard!! Have some FUN!!