We spent the week going to the follies, babysitting the kids, going to listen to the Cowley Boys, hit up the parade/ rodeo, and ended the week with the fireworks.
It was so nice this summer and I loved spending time outside, going on walks, or spending the night in the yard watching the kiddos play in the yard. Sometimes it's nice to have time to relax and have nothing more to do then enjoy time with your family!
Probably the highlight of my summer was making a trip to Cheyenne Frontier Days to watch Luke Bryan in concert. It was a quick trip because we went down on Wednesday night and were back by Friday afternoon. The concert was amazing and he was just as good looking in person as I had hoped he'd be. The opening act was Thompson Square and I definitely became a bigger fan of their songs after that night. The best part of the weekend was spending time with Dani & Emi. Before going to the concert, we ate at the Olive Garden and then walked around the fair for awhile before getting in line. While we were standing in line, we got caught in a rain storm, so all the time we took getting ready was pretty pointless since we ended up looking like wet dogs for the entire concert. It rained like crazy before, during, and after the concert. Even though I dealt sickness, wind, cold, rain and obnoxious people, it was all worth it watch Luke Bryan shake it!
After the first rainstorm hit.
We even made it back in time for Cowley's Day to watch the parade and got to see all my cousins, aunts, uncles, & Grandpa Ken. After we watched the parade, we spent the day at the park watching Emi play in the volleyball tournament and catching up with the Smith family who came down from Utah.Summer ended by having the week off from work, which we spent at home relaxing, going to Billings to go shopping for school clothes / supplies, and spending one of the days in Yellowstone. I forget how beautiful the park is, and wish I'd go more often. I didn't realize there were so many parts of the park I hadn't ever been to, and since we didn't have anywhere to go, we drove through a lot more of it. We saw the falls and went to Mammoth to eat walk around.
I'm amazed at how fast summer went. I can't believe I'm already back down in Laramie at school. It was a good break, spending it with my friends and family. Thanks to time off, I'm ready to be back in full swing at school! Bring on my last year of classes.